Golden Octave Healing

Inner Peace

“By identifying subconscious beliefs, feeling and emotions that are causing dis-ease within the body, we can allow the conscious mind to de-construct the issue and then the shift begins. Once these limited beliefs, feeling or emotions are in balance the dis-ease will correct itself naturally.”

“I work with people that are hurting physically or emotionally who need help. After working together you will feel at peace in your mind, body, soul and spirit so that you can lead a more healthy productive life.”

— Rebecca Pierce, ThetaHealing Practitioner

the power to change your life

What Is Theta Healing?

We are consciously aware of 5% of our beliefs and feeling, the other 95% are stored within your sub-conscious. It is your limiting beliefs and feelings that are creating the very blocks and obstacles you have that are preventing balance in all areas of your life.

Scientific evidence shows that toxic emotions can contribute to disease. With the knowledge that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health.

Beliefs are held on the Core, Genetic, History and Soul levels. Once these negative beliefs and emotions are removed and replaced on all four levels, with positive beneficial beliefs your body begins to heal.

ThetaHealing is an energy technique that allows us to identify and unblock limiting subconscious beliefs or emotions that are limiting your growth, stifling your potential, causing dis-ease in your body and blocking your path to wellness. By changing our brain wave cycle into the “Theta” brain wave, we can tap into clear answers, identifying where the dis-ease is coming from and actually experience instantaneous healings on all levels: physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through the Pure Universal Energy Source/Creative Energy of All That Is/GOD.

know yourself

“Amazing experience! Rebecca is a gifted healer. She will reach the core issue and bring it forth to be released. Very powerful! I have never met such a genuine heart centered person in the healing arts. Thank you!!”

— Merry Ann Friend, Unity Minister
