Discover ThetaHealing

“The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy – not specific to one religion but accepting them all – with the purpose of getting closer to the Creator. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that allows you to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.”

– Vianna Stibal, creator of ThetaHealing technique


ThetaHealing allows you to enhance your abilities within your career and even shows you which career to take if you are at a crossroads. Again, negative beliefs, feeling and emotions can make you feel very stuck. By releasing these “stuck” feeling and gives you back the drive, energy and enthusiasm to do what you should be doing as opposed to feeling “stuck”.


ThetaHealing can help you release negative emotions that are not serving your highest purpose. Instantly resolving deep negative emotional issues is a truly amazing experience that will transform your life for the better. Deeply held negative emotions will cause you emotional and sometimes physical pain and by getting to the root core of the issue both these aspects are instantly resolved with remarkable effects.


Life is about balance, and if you’re not having any fun then you should start now!


ThetaHealing can help you understand the true root of health problems you may be experiencing. By performing an energetic body scan we can see what is going on within your body and find out the negative emotions, feelings, and beliefs that are causing health problems. ThetaHealing will also re-energize your entire being giving you back that health and vitality feeling again.


Sometimes people feel very disconnected and unsupported due to upbringing or childhood experiences. You have the ability to truly know what it feels like to have a healthy home and to have a family’s love and support. Allowing you to feel vibrant and supported once again.


ThetaHealing allows you to find harmony within and in so doing, finding harmony with others. Your relationships are a true mirror of your own inner relationship with yourself. By resolving issues, negative beliefs and feelings within you, you will find your relationships reach new levels which reflect that which is within you.


Sometimes we may have experienced setbacks on our journey that leave us feeling somewhat inadequate. ThetaHealing will help you in areas such as low self confidence and lack of self esteem by finding the root cause and instantly replacing it with positive feelings, confidence and the ability to shine again.

learn how to get in alignment